Authorized Advanced Eclipse Trainer

Please choose your training:

To schedule training, please click on one of the links below. You will then be taken to a calendar page to choose the date of training. Once you choose the date, you will be given the option to change the date or choose the time from any available slots. After you've chosen your date and time for training, you will then click "Next" and be taken to a page which will provide all necessary information for the training category you've chosen. Complete the form to secure your appointment.

You can schedule training no less than 3 hours from the current date and time and no more than 2 weeks from the current date and time. And should you need to cancel the training, you must cancel more than 1 hour prior to your scheduled time to avoid a cancellation fee. There is a minimum of 1 hour of training, and you will be charged for 1 hour, even if you do not use the full hour. I charge 55 USD per hour. Lastly, instructions on how to connect remotely for training will be sent once you've scheduled training; and you will receive a reminder email 24 hours, 4 hours, and 2 hours before the scheduled meeting.

*Existing clients, the contact form you fill out when scheduling, you do not need to fill in your address, unless any of your billing information has changed.